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User Activity


The User Activity report provides a comprehensive summary of internal and external call activity - both inbound and outbound - for each site, group or user. It is also possible to drill down into each entity to obtain the same call information at a more detailed level.

User Activity

Running the report

Click on the Reports tab and select User Activity from the left-hand pane. The screen displaying the parameters of the report will appear, where you can configure the entity, period, filters, options and format of the report.

User Activity - Running

For more information about parameters, see the Report parameters section.

Creating the report

When you have configured the report's parameters, click on the Run now button to run the report immediately; alternatively, you can save the report's definition or schedule the report for future delivery.

User Activity - Creating


The results of the report show comprehensive call summary information - organised by call type - for the report entity you selected. By clicking on the About this report link at the top-right corner of the page, you can review any filters and options that have been applied to the report.

As with all reports produced by TIM Enterprise each page of the report includes the following information:

  • the report's title
  • the date and time that the report was generated
  • the name of the report, if applicable

The Web format is the most interactive of all formats: all column headers are click-sortable and most graphical and tabular elements can be drilled down into, allowing deeper analysis of your results. By clicking on the About this report link at the top-right corner of the page, you can review any filters and options that have been applied to the report.

Results are shown for each organisational level: site, group and individual user, where a table is shown with the following headers:

User Activity - header table

Site Level

User Activity - site table

Group level

User Activity - group table

Individual user level

User Activity - individual table

Itemised call list

When drilling down into an individual user, the report style changes to an itemised call list rather than a call summary table:

User Activity - itemised list

The column headers of the itemised call list are as follows:

Date & Time: The date and time the call started

Source: The place from where the ca;; origionated

CLI: The telephone number of the remote caller for inbound calls

Route: The information displayed in this field is determined by the type of call:

  • For incoming calls, this shows the CLI of the caller
  • For incoming internal calls, this shows either the caller's username or extension number
  • For outgoing calls, this shows the dialled number

Destination: The information displayed in this field is determined by the type of call:

  • For incoming calls, this shows the name of the user whose extension answered the call, or the extension number if not available
  • For outgoing calls, this shows the geographical location that was dialled, or an alias if defined in your contacts list
  • For internal calls, this shows the extension that was dialled, enclosed in square brackets [ ]

Response: The length of time it took for the call to be answered (i.e. the response time)

Duration: The duration of the call (in hours, minutes and seconds)

Cost: The cost of the call

To modify your report to cover a larger organisational scope, click on an element of the breadcrumb as shown below:

Busy Times - breadcrumb